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There are 13.1 Million American children residing in food insecure homes.

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Food insecure children tend to be less active inside and outside the classroom.


KFI created A Day Without Hunger to address food insecurity.

Soup Kitchen

A Day Without Hunger

KFI Reaching Far and Wide

Over 16 Years we have provided meals for kids during the holidays in:
3 Countries
1 U.S. Territory
22 States

School Resource Store
School Resource Store

After 16 years of our holiday meals program, we are pivoting to a School Resource Store. Kids First Initiative will be opening a School Resource Store at Rogers Elementary. We will make available to the young people, items that will help them as they navigate through their school day. Kids will pay for the items using Cheetah Bucks. They can earn bucks, through good behavior, attendance, academics, or volunteering. The store will also offer packages for the students who might be experiencing food insecurity at home. The store will be staffed, run, and managed by students from Rogers. We will be bringing in some of our retail partners to train the staff and show them the ins and outs of running a retail store. The Grand Opening for the store will be Thursday, May 26, 2022.


Below you will find some of the items that will be available in the store:


  • Shoes

  • Socks

  • Hygiene Products

  • Schools Supplies

  • Food

  • Miscellaneous

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